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Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a wonderful way for anyone to learn. You get immediate results and everyone is eager to put in the time because it is great fun.

1) Praise
When praising your dog your timing is crucial. The intensity of your
praise should be determined by your dog’s personality and reaction. Praising your dog the wrong way at the wrong time will actually
interrupt the learning process.

2) Food

Believe it or not some dogs are so anxious or nervous they will not
accept food from you. Therefore for this type of dog, this type of
reward system is useless.

A dog with aggression issues may become even more aggressive
when food is involved in the learning process. This can end up being dangerous.

There are some dogs that LOVE food and will do anything for it.
Great! Use it! However, make sure you use it properly and at the
appropriate time also you should already have a position above your dog in the pecking order. Some dogs (even the sweetest and most gentle) can end up training their owners when food is involved, instead of it being the other way around.

3) Games
If your dog is toy motivated... wonderful...use this to reward him/her.

Contact Soozy Pooch today to discuss which program is best for you and your dog!
"My mission is to empower you with the management skills needed to ensure both you and your dog maintain harmony in every situation."

Soozy Pooch
Techniques & Methods

Every dog is unique, as is the dog's human. That's why the learning process is not black and white. Once understanding where your dog is coming from and the relationship you share, I feel it is important to mix and match the methods and techniques to fit you and your dogs needs.

> Operant Conditioning
Operant Conditioning, also known as instrumental conditioning, is a learning process studied in associative learning since the late 1890s. All social animals learn through this process of association with four quadrants of motivation. Every case, individual, and scenario is different from the next. Understanding how to use this learning process in a way your dog can understand will help you reach the goals you need for a balanced life together. Soozy Pooch will guide you through this process, ensuring each step is understood fully and practiced with respect and according to the specific issues you are having with your dog.

> Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning involves pairing two stimuli. This learning process, when applied correctly, helps your dog overcome behavioral issues related to certain triggers or events that cause discomfort or reactivity. Soozy Pooch will guide you through understanding and applying this method effectively, ensuring proper timing and techniques for conditioning your dog.

SoozyPooch dog trainer, behaviorist serving all of Philadelphia and surrounding areas ©2024